​Slim With Sue

8 Week Program

I know some people need more than a 30-day jumpstart, but are not ready to commit to a full 12 weeks, so let's meet somewhere in the middle and get this done with an 8 week program!  The 8 week program still offers superior accountability and a lot of the same info as you read in the 12 week program - including you checking in with me daily, via text. The 8 week program includes 3 metabolism boosting and fat burning plans.  These 3 plans will last you 8 weeks and for the entire 8 weeks, you will remain grain free.   

You will also need to find an exercise program that you can do.  Since everyone is different, what works for you won't work for everyone!  Just FIT IT IN and you'll see the inches blast away!  Every "week", you will check in with me to report your weight lost and inches lost, and we will continue to tackle the obstacles life throws at you to derail your goals.  

Each week, you will be educated on a new topic (quick 6-15 minute weekly videos) because knowledge is power.  Topics include reading labels, detoxification, improving your metabolism, healthy fats, exercise and nutrition basics just to name a few.  I will send you weekly emails so you know exactly what to do during the week (no stone has been left unturned!).  You even have access to over 400 low-glycemic recipes plus more! 

Your 8 week program also includes science-based vitamins and supplements to help you accelerate your results.  I actually waive my coaching fees to be able to provide 100% of your program to YOU with metabolic support and education! Have you heard of isotonic capable vitamins?  I personally have been using these for many years and swear by them.  



For your 6 week program:


(2) TLS Trim Tea or Trim Cafe


(1) TLS Health Guide & Journal

(1) Digestive enzymes with probiotics packets

PLUS, (1) FREE product of your choice!  Choose from either: TLS Green Coffee Plus Garcinia Cambogia, TLS Thermochrome, TLS Trim Tea or TLS Trim Cafe. 

  • Weight Loss Coaching 
  • Genetic Testing
  • ​Entrepreneurship