​Slim With Sue

  • Weight Loss Coaching 
  • Genetic Testing
  • ​Entrepreneurship 

Working with Slim With Sue will turn your body into a fat burning machine! Low-Glycemic Impact Eating with real food is the basis of this program, because let's face it - WEIGHT LOSS ISN'T MAGIC; IT'S SCIENCE!  The human body is designed to eat a balanced diet consisting of lean sources of protein, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, beans and legumes and whole grains.  Low-glycemic foods help keep your blood sugar levels stable. When you have stable blood sugar levels, this will help keep your body balanced and help improve energy, sleep, how you react to stress and, most importantly, will help you burn fat instead of store it. Low-glycemic eating has also been shown to be superior for weight loss and weight management, cardiovascular health and more. 

Focusing on fat loss is the key to both my 30 Day Jumpstart and my 12 week program.  Did you know weight loss can result from losing water and muscle (no, thank you!!); my clients lose FAT AND INCHES, which is true weight loss!  Regardless of which program works best for you, you will fuel your body with all the right nutrients to turn yourself from flab to fab!  You will learn to create new habits, find a type of exercise that works for you, and feel great simply by improving and rebalancing your metabolism, with support from some herbs & natural botanicals found in the TLS Supplements and vitamins you will use.  Change doesn't always happen overnight, but with time, consistency and the right combination, you will find your fit in no time.  You've heard the old saying "People don't plan to fail; they fail to plan", right?  Well, you plan for retirement, you plan for birthday parties, you plan for everything...so, now let's plan for your health! A weight loss plan only works if you stay with it. And as any successful dieter can tell you, it’s much easier to lose weight and firm up when the plan you choose fits your lifestyle and personality.

Most weight loss programs tell you what to eat, but often fall short as a lifetime solution because they fail to address the REASON why you may be overeating, under exercising, and/ or making unhealthy choices.  Education is another key factor to your success and since knowledge is power, you will receive weekly educational videos on various topics to ensure you are becoming the best version of yourself--because YOU ARE WORTH IT!

View a 10 minute Introduction Video by clicking below