Slim With Sue

Spaghetti and meat

Simply bake a spaghetti squash at 350 for 1 hour or until you can stick a fork through it.  Let cool.  Cut in half and remove the seeds and "fork" the squash and set aside in a bowl (save the squash shell).  Saute 1/2 package organic ground turkey in 1 TBSP olive oil with any veggies you like.  (I prefer onions and spinach for this dish.)  Once all is cooked, add spaghetti squash to pan and add low sugar pasta sauce.  Add the mix to the squash shells, and sprinkle with low fat shredded cheese.  Bake 350 until cheese is melted.  

Healthy Pancakes (yes, they do exist)

Mix 2 eggs, 3 ounces unsweetened applesauce, 2 scoops TLS nutrition shakes in vanilla, cinnamon, & nutmeg.  Coating a pan or grittle with coconut oil, make pancakes!  I've added walnuts to these also.  Instead of syrup, cook on your pan some fresh blueberries.  Click here to order your TLS shakes

For more satisfying and health recipes, follow me on Facebook Slim With Sue  on instagram @slim_with_sue or click the link for a full list of recipes

Green Snack Attack

Steam a head of organic broccoli and bag of frozen organic peas (this will make 4 servings).  Take a serving size and mix with a ripened avocado.  Add a serving size of feta cheese.  (To make in bulk, be sure to squeeze a lemon over the avocado to keep it from going bad.)

Easy Egg Bake (breakfast for days!)

For this recipe, I use organic frozen spinach, but you can make with fresh as well.  Simply defrost (or saute) your spinach with onions and any other vegetable you like (or have to get rid of).  In a glass baking dish sprayed with cooking spray, stir in veggies with 1 carton of 100% liquid egg whites (I don't use egg beaters..look at the ingredients > they're all chemicals YUCK) and 2 full eggs, salt and pepper.  Bake 350 for 45 minutes or until done.  I add either fresh salsa or hot sauce to mine!  This makes 6 squares.  Simply cut a square and microwave it every morning for a protein & fiber packed breakfast!

​Slim With Sue

Slim With Sue

Lettuce Wraps

Make a stir-fry with any of your favorite proteins and veggies.  Line Boston Lettuce leaves with yellow mustard (or keep plain if your protein stir-fry has seasonings in it).  Roll and eat!

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Chocolate Pudding

OK, so this picture sort of looks lighter than chocolate, but it really is fudgey!  Simply mix 1 single serving size of plain greek yogurt with 2 scoops of TLS Nutrition Shake (18 grams of protein and a whopping 10 grams of fiber).  Be sure to mix well.  This is my go-to snack when I crave chocolate at night! Click here to order your TLS Shakes