​Slim With Sue

  • Weight Loss Coaching 
  • Genetic Testing
  • ​Entrepreneurship 

Where else can you help someone and get paid to care?  Boy am I happy my life turned out this way!  When I was ready to dive into becoming a weight loss coach, I was extremely nervous. I thought you had to be an expert in nutrition to help someone and I didn't have an entrepreneurial bone in my body.  Little did I know that everything I needed to succeed and help someone physically and financially was just a click away.  Over the years I have learned so much simply from doing online, local and some national trainings. And, you can too! 

I am thankful everyday that I get to work from home and not have to answer to a boss anymore!  I get to make my own schedule and get paid for doing what I love!  I started coaching part-time (about 4-6 hours per week) and it just expanded like wild fire!  I was able to leave my full time job in 2009 and haven't looked back since (don't worry, you don't have to leave your job LOL)!  In fact, the company identified me from the field, and now I am the director of the entire program (I AM SO BLESSED).  I was just a small town girl and never thought I could own a successful business and be recognized! I work with people from all different back-grounds and all over the USA, Mexico, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and Canada become successful weight loss entrepreneurs with TLS.  I love transforming lives and helping people get healthy but I need an army to help me.  People all over the world are sick and tired of being sick and tired and overweight and obese.  Let's talk about how you can work with me and my team to help people also!  I invest my time to personally work with and train my team. You will be in good hands and will have me as your mentor and leader!  If you are interested in learning more and to see if you could be a fit, contact me directly by email SlimwithSue1@gmail.com