​Slim With Sue

  • Weight Loss Coaching 
  • Genetic Testing
  • ​Entrepreneurship 

Are you ready to get fit this fall and join a 30 day program that is designed to help you turn over some healthy habits, then this is the program for you?  For just $2 per day, you will receive a menu plan to follow for the month that will include proteins, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, grains (optional), low glycemic starches (optional), and dairy (optional) PLUS a 30 day exercise calendar to follow.  Whether you hit the gym or do at-home workouts, this calendar will keep your fitness on track!  You also will get UNLIMITED text support by your coach between the hours of 8am-8pm EST as well as access to delicious recipes to use during your 30 days.

This program will help reduce your bloat, cravings and work to improve your metabolism while getting you in a routine.  You will find you will have more energy and feel amazing!

This program starts on WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2, 2019 AND RUNS UNTIL OCTOBER 31, 2019.