​Slim With Sue

  • Weight Loss Coaching 
  • Genetic Testing
  • ​Entrepreneurship 

​Supplements are not a novelty anymore, but a necessity.  It's sad to say, but the foods we eat (even the quality ones) do not provide us with the same nutrients they did years ago.  The soil is depleted of minerals - plus there are harmful chemicals in it - and it is often processed.  Couple that with the yo-yo dieting, too much sugar, caffeine, and junk food and your body needs some support.  You may decide to stay on a wellness regimen long term (multivitamin, B complex, antioxidant), but you may have some questions about supplements during the program.  Some questions I get asked often are:

  • ​"Will I have to take these vitamins and supplements forever" 
    • Well, yes and no!  You may decide to continue on a wellness regimen forever and since many of the TLS products have substantial research behind it, you can use longer term.  But, you do not have to!
  • "​Will I gain the weight back when I stop the supplements"
    • NO!  The supplements help support your metabolism while you eat real food.  They assist you and do help accelerate your results, but when you stop them you do not gain all your weight back.  TLS is a lifestyle, so you create new habits and will not need to rely on a supplement to maintain your weight.
  • ​Should I check with my doctor before starting your program or products?
    • YES!  You certainly should consult your healthcare provider before starting any nutrition or exercise program.  Generally, my clients will print up the ingredients of the products and ask their doctor or pharmacist "will any of these ingredients interfere with my current health or medications". 
  • ​Do I have to take products?
    • I waive my coaching fees for all programs to allow you to spend 100% of your program towards your education and metabolic support.  If there is a product that I use that is contraindicated for you, we can easily substitute it out for something else.  If you prefer to start on a customized program your own, and pick your own regimen, please contact me directly.