If you are reading this, you must be curious as to what I know ABOUT YOU?  Well, truth be told I don't YET, but if you are like the majority of people I have worked with over the years, then you are sick of the diet rollar-coaster and are sick and tired of losing and gaining weight back.  You may be confused as to what WILL work because what used to work for you just isn't cutting it anymore.  Did you know that each time you diet, your metabolism slows down 10-15% each time?  So, for those 'serial-dieters' out there, no wonder you are struggling....your body is constantly in fat storage mode!  But, don't feel like you failed, because the reality is - THE DIET FAILED YOU - and you can be rescued!

I don't care which diet you try, it WILL work...SHORT TERM.  The difference is most diets (die is in the word!) are not meant to last.  They do not teach you HOW to eat, they just tell you WHAT to eat.  They don't improve or re-balance your metabolism; they slow it down.  Don't worry; you are not alone.  Other people are confused too.  They are sick of being stuck in a box and do not know if they should be fat free, sugar free, count calories, points, keto, intermittent fasting, paleo, high protein, low carb, exercise more, eat less, or buy a proclaimed "superfood"... they're just confused!

But before we move forward, let me ask you these questions:

  • How much weight do you have/want to lose?  Why haven't you lost it?  What is holding you back? Struggles?
  • Have you ever worked with a certified coach to check in, provide you with all the tools you need to succeed?
  • Do you overeat? Do you not feel satisfied? Do you crave breads, pasta, cereal, sweet & salty foods?
  • Are you stressed? (who isn't!)  But stress is emotional, physical (being overweight) & chemical (medications).
  • Do you struggle with belly fat? Is your body fat higher than it should be? (women >32% men >25%).
  • Are you looking for a lifestyle program that you can follow long term?
  • How committed are you? Do you need constant reinforcement or if I tell you to do something, you will?
  • Are you ready to invest physically (fit in exercise), emotionally (stay focused and learn how to be social without eating or drinking unhealthy things, try new recipes, food prep), financially (grocery shopping, supplements, gym membership etc.)?

If you are ready to break bad habits and break the cycle you've been in for years, well, the time is NOW!  Are you committed to succeed?  I know that it's easy to throw in the towel at times when life gets in the way, but are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?  Do you want a coach who will keep you accountable? Do you want to feel better and look better?  Well if so, let's start now!!  Don't wait...you are in charge of your health!  YOU ARE WORTH IT!

​Slim With Sue

  • Weight Loss Coaching 
  • Genetic Testing
  • ​Entrepreneurship