​Slim With Sue

  • Weight Loss Coaching 
  • Genetic Testing
  • ​Entrepreneurship 

  Susan (Slim With Sue), MSN, RN, CNSc, Certified Weight Management Coach

2010 TLS Weight Loss Coach of the Year

2013 TLS Weight Loss Trainer of the Year

International Weight Loss Speaker

CEO of Slim With Sue

​I can remember being at the mall with my mother and grandmother when I was about 10 years old.  Someone had passed out and the EMT's were helping revive her.  I will never forget that because it was the day I decided I wanted to save someone's life.  Well, fast forward 30 years, and I am doing just that and enjoying every second of it (andI do not need to crack ribs performing CPR!)

I have been active my entire life and although I never had a weight problem, but that doesn't mean it never has impacted me.  My family has struggled with it for as long as I can remember, so I guess inadvertently; I did have the struggle.  I played sports as a kid and played all through college - basketball (all 5'3 of me!).  During my junior year, majoring in Psychology, I decided I wanted to become a nurse. The school I was at didn't have that major and I didn't want to transfer out due to my friends and sports.  So, I graduated in 1997 with a bachelors degree in Psychology and went right to nursing school.  After finishing nursing school in 1999, I worked as a registered nurse on the telemetry unit (cardiac care).  Working as a RN on a cardiac unit was eye opening.  People were so sick and many of them weren't that old.  They were sick and tired of being sick and tired and were on so many prescription medications that it occupied their life! Their bodies were shutting down.  Many had diabetes on top of their cardiovascular disease plus other illnesses invading their bodies.  They were fatigued, couldn't exercise, and were depressed.  About 95% of the patients had one thing in common though... THEY WERE OVERWEIGHT!  They were eating themselves to death.  I knew there could be help for them.

In 2006, I got my masters degree in Adult Health Nursing and quickly found it should have been called adult "ILLNESS" Nursing.  Preventative medicine was something most health care providers didn't have time for (and honestly, were not educated on).  It is amazing what fresh healthy food can do for your body, yet people were so uneducated and hopeless.  I knew I could help people feel better, look better and get healthier if they ate better foods!

​Then in 2008, I was introduced to weight management coaching and utilized the Transitions Lifestyle System (TLS).  I've been in the fitness industry as an aerobics instructor since the late 90's and as a spinning instructor for over 15 years, and I was amazed I hadn't heard of a program like TLS.  All the concepts I believed in were there - and the ENTIRE program, supplements included, were backed by science.  However, being the skeptic I am, I did my due-diligence and for 3 years researched the program, ingredients and company behind it because after all, my license would be behind it. I wanted to be sure I would partner with the right system.  Well, now let's fast forward to today. I have completely changed focus to health and weight loss coaching and have helped over 5000 people find their fit!  I still work as a nurse at a local hospital  and urgent care center to keep my hands in "medicine and sick-care", and it's the same story with the same sicknesses and the same statistics of people being over-weight and under-nourished.  

I truthfully have "found my fit" as a coach and helping people reach their goals.  It amazes me that I get to do this for 'work'.  In 2014, I was asked to take over the division of TLS as their director, and I cannot tell you how awesome it is working with the top scientists, researches, doctors, and entrepreneurs in the Country in the weight loss industry.  I am thankful every day that I do what I do because I get to change lives...for the better!  I hope you are ready to Find Your Fit too!